Curatore d'Arte

Emel Vardar

Emel Vardar è tra i primi artisti conosciuti nella mia frequentazione delle fiere dell’arte in Turchia. La grazia e la leggerezza delle sculture,  escono dal nero con cui Emel ama avvolgere gli spazi dove espone, come tante perle sul nero velluto del banco di  una oreficeria

The Artist studied art in the studios of the Mimar Sinan University Museum of Painting and Sculpture Association. Over a long period she painted seascapes and one of her paintings was acquired by the Turkish Naval Forces Headquarters. She had a series of personal painting and sculpture exhibitions and participated regularly in art fairs, contests and festivals.While she was attaining more recognition as an artist she also acquired another artistic identity. She opened the Eylul Art Gallery in 1993. Dedicated completely to art, here she presented the artworks of important Turkish painters and sculptors together with young artists’ works. For the last few years she has worked mainly on sculptures. She creates female figures and busts using various materials and techniques. Although her sculptures represent the beautiful and naive female figure she actually wants to express its strength. She is very proud to have won the prestigious ”Individual Disarmament and Peace” Bronze sculpture award.The artist describes her sculptures as the solidification of her feelings and ideas in the enchanting magic of crystal and glass. One of her crystal sculptures is on permanent exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Glass Artworks in Eskisehir. The artist paints and sculpts in contemporary style. Her creations are exhibited in private collections and in Turkish newspapers and art journals. Recently the artist has exhibited through the Svenska Konstgalleriet at International Art Fairs and world renowned Museums.

1953 yılında Ankara’da doğdu. Sanat eğitimini Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi Resim ve Heykel Müzeleri Derneği atölyelerinde yaptı. Çalışmalarını yaşamakta olduğu Istanbul’da Eylül Sanat Galerisi’nde sürdürmektedir. Sanat fuarlarına iştirak eden ve sergiler açan sanatçının eserleri özel koleksiyonlarda bulunmaktadır. Sadeleştirilmiş klasik anlayışla yaptığı heykellerinde sonsuz güzellik arayışı içindedir.

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