Curatore d'Arte

Doro Breger

Le immagini di Doro Breger possiedono la stessa suggestione dei miraggi, non appartengono al mondo reale, sai che non esistono ma ne sei attirato irresistibilmente.

Doro Breger living in Großenkneten, germany

educated at Carl von Ossietzky university  Oldenburg/germany

Art Director at Grabbeau. Museum im Netz/ Museum on the Web


  • permanent exhibition in Grabbeau, museum on the web
  • Pictures for  Iablis (Jahrbuch für europäische Prozesse/Yearbook of European processes  ) 2007, 2009
  • Mein ist die Erde/Mine is the earth  . Projekt for the exibition Sacrum/Profanum in Szczecin 13. – 16.3.2008 (Inspiracje).
  • monastery Hude
  • Kulturetage Oldenburg
  • Womens Gllery  Cologne
  • Gallery Niebuhr, Berlin
  • Diversity art gallery Berlin
  • government office Wildeshausen

different book cover for: Edition Zeno at Manutius Publisher , Heidelberg

Participation in the book : Paul Mersmann – Diffusion der Moderne /Paul – Mersmann Diffusion of modern (Heidelberg 2008).   ( Paul Mersmann is a real great artist in the tradition of  Chirico and others. You can see him in Grabbeau, Museum on the web)

Member at the art association: Syrlin Kunstverein e.V. international

Member at the art association: Crossart international

Projects  (pictures/texts) with:


  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schödlbauer:
  • Renate Solbach:
  • Lucius Garganelli, Anne Corvey u.a.

Publications  / Texts to the pictures of Doro Breger:

  • Ulrich Schödlbauer: Oberflächenkulturen. Zu Doro Bregers Projekt Mein ist die Erde./ Mine is the earth Profanationen 1 – 5
  • Ulrich Siebgeber for the »Gryptichon«


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